
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to bike in the Bay Area but didn’t want to rent and were too afraid to try?

Well look no further.

Check out the WeLikeToBike rides through the lens of the GoPro Hero HD.

The Descent of Haleakala

Most of the volcano and the upper portion of the descent is part of Halealaka National Park. The park is home to an observatory and offers self-guided hiking tours. Commercial bike tours have not been allowed to start from the summit since the late 2000’s, so you will need a second rental car, or a friend to drop you off at the top if you don’t want to cycle up the mountain. If you are interested in climbing to the top, check out the Cycle to the Sun race.

Haleakala 2 The Beach

The lower slopes of Maui’s Haleakala volcano take you through the cloud forest, above the cane fields, and finally end with a trip to the beach. This part of the 38-mile descent to Baldwin Beach, while less technical, is no less stunning than the upper portion of the ride.

Video Short – Bad Drivers, They’re Everywhere! 

This is a short taken while cycling back home along the Embarcadero at the intersection with Battery Street.  Even though this is now a “protected” bike lane, drivers still make right hand turns from the center lane straight through cyclists and the bike lane…and then a cab, Uber, Lyft, pulling over into the bike line in front of a line of bikes without looking or signal.  Just a warning to always be vigilant of bad drivers.

The Dog Days Are Over … A Cycle Along The Pacific Coast Highway 

Cruise along the Pacific Coast Highway from Stinson Beach to Muir Beach as skirts the coast line up and down with fast curves and spectacular views of San Francisco and beyond!

Downhill Cycling with – Muir Woods CALIFORNIA 

Follow Miko along a thrilling cycling descent captured on the GoPro helmet cam by Jon from Panoramic Highway into Muir Woods. It is totally BOOM BOOM POW!

Can Your Barbie Do This? Cycling Descent to Stinson Beach 

Ever wonder what Barbie would look like if she rode a road bike? asked the same question and this is our answer! Follow Velo Barbie as she breaks out her Bad Ass, Pinked-Out, Pimped-Out skills descending from the crest of Panoramic Highway all the way down to Stinson Beach flying through every corner and making the James Bondesque switchbacks even more beautiful! If you ever thought Barbie was too prissy to road bike, meet Velo Barbie!

Three Amigos – Return from Muir Beach to Sausalito

Have you ever found yourself in Muir Beach after enjoying an amazing descent to Muir Woods or Stinson Beach? The return from either of these journeys requires the climbing back up the Pacific Coast Highway on a narrow, shoulder-less and winding part of the road. After almost a 2 mile climb, you then descend back toward Sausalito and then follow the Marin County Bike Path back into downtown. Follow the Three Amigos as they tackle this climb, descent and journey back home!

Marin Headlands Descent

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to ride a bike down the backside of the Marin Headlands, but were too scared to do it yourself? Then sit back and follow Miko The Pink Bomber as she shows you how its done!

RIDIN’ DIRTY – Cycling San Francisco, Golden Gate Bridge, Sausalito and Marin 

Bike the San Francisco city streets, Golden Gate Bridge and Marin trails through the helmet cam as it follows Miko on a hardcore “dirty” cycle of’s favorite Bay Area trails. The views, the tips and turns and fast down hills will make you feel right along for the ride without ever stepping on a pedal. Want more? Go to!

San Francisco City Cycling

Have you ever been caught coming back from Sausalito and ended up at the Ferry Building instead of Pier 39? Do you wonder what it’s like to cycle the busy streets of San Francisco and have to dodge cars, tourists, pedestrians, pedi-cabs and other cyclists? Follow along with as we cycle the busy Embarcadero from the Ferry Building to Pier 39.

Dynamite – Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito 

Follow Miko as she descends along Alexander Avenue from the Golden Gate Bridge to Downtown Sausalito. Watch as she passes comfort bikes like they are standing still and catches up to cars on her way to the Sausalito Ferry.

Get a Move On — Virtual Tour of Tiburon’s Paradise Loop  

Get a Move On with this virtual tour of our Shark’s Fin Trail, aka Paradise Loop in Tiburon, California. The ups and downs, twists and turns as we ride along Paradise Drive from the Tiburon roundabout to the Corte Madera bike path.

Cal Park Tunnel – Ride Along with through the Cal Park Tunnel

Have you ever wondered how to get from the Larkspur Ferry Terminal to San Rafael? Use the Cal Park Tunnel! Watch the video and check out the short, flat and easy way to get from Larkspur to San Rafael.

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